memorandum valueの例文
give value for value
"For right now, the answer is clearly yes, unless we can do something else that helps our organization, " he said . " At whatever point in time, if it ever happens, that a club is talking ......

1971 turkish military memorandum
In 1972, K黵k琰 joined the armed resistance against the military takeover and took part in an operation designed by Mahir 莂yan to kidnap three NATO technicians based in the Black Sea distric......

1994 budapest memorandum
It has urged for Russia to respect Ukrainian and international law and in line with the provisions of the 1994 Budapest Memorandum. On 6 February 2014, a senior adviser to Russian Presiden......

1997 military memorandum
Erbakan's Welfare Party resigned from government following the February 1997 military memorandum. 莂k1r said in 2008 that the head of Ergenekon, known to him only as " Number One ", was in......

1997 moscow memorandum
Transnistria's Minister of Economy, Elena Chernenko, says that Transnistria loses $ 2 2.5 million daily from the Ukrainian regulations . ( Transnistrian GDP is about $ 420 million ) Trans......

1998 wye river memorandum
The Gaza International Airport, opened on 24 November 1998 as part of agreements stipulated in the Oslo II Accord and the 23 October 1998 Wye River Memorandum. Under the 1998 Wye River Mem......

2001 clear channel memorandum
The song was included in the controversial 2001 Clear Channel memorandum, a document distributed by Clear Channel Communications to every radio station owned by the company. The song was p......

account distibution memorandum
Account distibution memorandum

account transfer memorandum
Account transfer memorandum

administrative memorandum
On Wednesday, General John Keane, the vice chief of staff, gave Smith an " administrative memorandum of reprimand ." In a statement announcing the outcome, the Army said Smith had been giv......

athens memorandum
The Athens Memorandum also set up a number of institutions, which collectively are known as the'Athens Process '. Under the Athens Memorandum a South-East Europe Regional Energy Market ( S......

august frank memorandum
Jews clean and repair coats salvaged at CheBmno for redistribution among Volksdeutsche in accordance with the top secret August Frank memorandum.

benelux memorandum
It would also be an inspiration for the BeNeLux memorandum of 1955, which was presented at the Messina Conference of 1955. The Benelux countries in their BeNeLux memorandum proposed a revi......

berlin memorandum
Andrassy Note, but declined to accede to the Berlin Memorandum. Representatives of the Three Emperors met again in Berlin, where they approved the Berlin Memorandum. The first of the Quill......

budapest memorandum
In February 2016 Sergey Lavrov claimed that " Russia never violated Budapest memorandum. France and China also provided Ukraine with assurances similar to the Budapest Memorandum, but with......

budapest memorandum on security assurances
In 1994 Russia signed the Budapest Memorandum on Security Assurances, which states that it would " Respect Belarusian, Kazakh and Ukrainian independence and sovereignty and the existing bo......

budget memorandum
The main themes set forth in the accompanying 1996 budget memorandum are " the improvement of the state's financial position, the stimulation of employment and the strengthening of the Dut......

bybee memorandum
In revising that view, the current memorandum parses the language and the treaty differently, saying, for example, that torture could include " severe physical suffering " as well as " sev......

circular memorandum
Etwb circular memorandum no . 1 2007 Government supplies department circular memorandum Circular memorandum no . 580 2000 : survey on school laboratory accidents Legal advisory and conveya......

civil service bureau circular memorandum
Civil service bureau circular memorandum

clark memorandum
The Clark memorandum rejected the view that the Roosevelt Corollary was based on the Monroe Doctrine. Following the release in 1930 of the Clark Memorandum, Hoover began formulating what w......

clark memorandum on the monroe doctrine
In 1928, as Undersecretary of State to Secretary of State Frank Kellogg in the Calvin Coolidge administration, Clark wrote the " Clark Memorandum on the Monroe Doctrine ", which repudiated......

cole memorandum
However, the August 2013 issuance of the Cole Memorandum opened discussion on tribal sovereignty as pertains to cannabis legalization, which was further explored as the states of Washingto......

confidential memorandum
Dick Stoker, the works manager, wrote in a confidential memorandum to top supervisors. Stoker wrote in a confidential memorandum to top supervisors. Thompson was referring to confidential ......

confidential memorandum of understanding
Last July 25, Limlingan was charged by PAL for reportedly unilaterally amending a confidential memorandum of understanding in March 1996 that unfairly favored the interests of Singapore ca......